Black Camel – Noble Brother Alfred “Lee” Burris

Illustrious Sirs, Nobles, and Ladies,

Forwarded from Illustrious Gene Yee PP:
It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that our Noble Brother Alfred “Lee” Burris was visited on Friday 20 January 2023 by the Black Camel and was transported to that House Not Made Of Hands.  His Wife, Lady Joyce has asked me to inform our Masonic family of Lee’s passing while she makes the other required notifications.
Noble Brother Lee requested a Masonic funeral service, and I have informed Secretary John Goodloe of that when I informed him.   Noble Brother Lee and I were good friends for over 40 years, and he was my Personal Aide when I was Pote.  Also, Noble Brother Lee P.C. was the eldest surviving Past Commander of the Al Bahr Legion of Honor, having served as Commander in about 1981 or  1984, I have forgotten, it has been so long.  
I will be back with you regarding any details and the range of dates of memorial and Masonic funeral service.
Yours in the faith,
Gene Yee, PP, PEC

George Page, MBV
Recorder – Al Bahr Shrine

Alfred “Lee” Burris

Born: 6/29/1928 (Age: 94)
Created: 15.06.1973
Passed: 20.01.2023

Legion of Honor
Aide – Emeritus

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